Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 11 Sunday, April 14, 2024

Auxhall on Comfort and Group Dynamics

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 11 Sunday, April 14, 2024

Expanding on Monka’s theme from the last session, Auxhall addresses the experience of encountering a plurality of selves whether looking outward or inward. They situate work with groups as another variety of working within the self which can afford either comfort or discomfort depending on how one has tuned and balanced the self. Those of Auxhall offer many ideas on how one might begin to become comfortable with discomfort: building patience and flexibility through the use of the illusions of time and space in productive ways, balancing within the self to avoid blame, and untangling the knots of emotion and trauma though clearing energy centers.

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 12 Saturday, May 4, 2024

Laitos on Negotiating the Open Heart

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 12 Saturday, May 4, 2024

In their first documented contact with a circle since the Other Selves Working Group’s fourth channeling intensive, those of Laitos bring their warm and delicate vibration to the Richmond circle’s working, focusing on the dynamics of truth and its effective communication in suboptimal situations. They suggest regular work on the lower energy centers of red-, yellow-, and orange-ray plays a key role in not simply activating the all-important green-ray center but also in gradually bringing the higher centers’ working into common life scenarios more and more. 

Viewing the encounter between self and other self through the lens of negotiation, Laitos demonstrates how the premises of bargaining evince each participant’s basic dignity. This presents the seeker an opportunity to lower the stakes of any confrontation by affirmatively modeling vulnerability, thereby giving the other self a polarized choice to freely make. Finally, those of Laitos address follow-up questions stemming from the main topic as well as the subjects of repression within the energy system, setting an example for others, and the sinkhole of indifference on Earth.

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 13 Saturday, August 31, 2024

Monka on Balancing Faith and Discernment

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 13 Saturday, August 31, 2024

After an over three month break, the Richmond Meditation Circle made contact with Monka. The gap in time as well as life events and energy levels impacted the instrument’s performance. While the tuning and challenging were adequate to publish, the Circle decided to redact one paragraph out of an abundance of caution, and this should lead the reader to use the utmost discrimination in evaluating the content.

The message revolves around when faith should be employed and when to use discernment. Connecting within to the deep self yields the guidance which informs the exercise of either capacity. With these tools, one can more easily honor one’s doubts about the future while striding forward into the mysterious future with confidence to serve. At the end of the session Monka provides commentary on shadow work and using meditation to work with feelings of anxiety and being stuck. Demonstrating one’s learned lessons and held ideals in the illusion comes up several times as a key component of evolutionary progress.

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 14 Saturday, September 21, 2024

Oorkas on the Rhythm of Seeking

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 14 Saturday, September 21, 2024

In their second contact with the circle, Oorkas comments upon the enormity of the challenge of seeking infinitely within an infinite Creator. This endless quest is processed by us in units that regularly provide fresh opportunities to respond to dead ends on the path. Faith carries us through this cadence of new moments, building that capacity to continually extend the self further in the protean growth of our Creator. Connecting within to one’s higher self delivers a transcendence of individual identity towards a more cosmic scale of concerns. Oorkas also addresses the role of the potentiator of spirit archetype in this issue as well as questions about the function of individuation and emotions.

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 15 Monday, October 14, 2024

Q’uo on Traction and Projection in Consciousness

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 15 Monday, October 14, 2024

After over two years, the principle of Q’uo revisits the Richmond circle to discuss the nature of seeking as it straddles the present moment and the eternal. Whether plodding along in the tedious moments of life or being swept along in a current of purpose and meaning, consciousness evinces a kind of traction that we both crave as an alternative to the groundlessness of infinity and loathe for its tethering of us to our catalyst. With traction we have an anchored point from which we can project into the illusion outside ourselves through action as well as that within ourselves through meditation. Those of Q’uo offer remarks on how we may use the illusion of separation to piece together an approach to the present moment that can also feel part of a greater evolutionary progression. Questions about shame and self-forgiveness in the context of these dynamics are also considered towards the end of the session.

The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 8 Saturday, November 2, 2024

Q’uo on Catalyst and Experience

The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 8 Saturday, November 2, 2024

In this session, Q’uo explores the archetypal stations of catalyst and experience as they are encountered in daily life, emphasizing a model of projection and reflection that imbues waking life with the veiled messages of the deep mind. Addressing these two stations of the tarot across mind, body, and spirit, their commentary largely centers on how to profitably think about the operation of catalysis and recognize the signs of its grounding, balancing, and integration. Q’uo then follows up on their monologue to address this subject in light of working with dreams and the possibility of catalyst becoming diminished or less obnoxious, in both cases suggesting attitudes with which the mind/body/spirit complex’s extant approaches and processes may be cooperated with more deeply.

The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 15 Sunday, November 3, 2024

Q’uo on the Significator of Body

The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 15 Sunday, November 3, 2024

In this discourse on the significator of body archetype, Q’uo examines the delicate balance involved in both responsibly caring for the body while pushing it beyond its comfort zone in search of spiritual growth. They present the body as a crucible for change whose value arises from its impermanence, a more fixed and temporally bounded quality when contrasted with the natures of mind and spirit. The body requires a balance between respectful and sacrificial use, and Q’uo ties in some of the symbols in the tarot’s hanged man image to speak to these nuances. They note how deeply polarity is involved even in embodiment, inviting a renewed appreciation for the body’s irreplaceable role in spiritual evolution.

The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 19 Monday, November 4, 2024

Q’uo on Witnessing Planetary Sorrow

The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 19 Monday, November 4, 2024

In this session, those of Q’uo delve into the nature of our moral agency and the powerful institutions that effect our convenient lives in late stage third density civilization. They address how we, as individuals, can navigate and relate to a world rife with exploitation and negativity—-a world that paradoxically provides the leisure necessary for inward spiritual seeking. They challenge the listener to witness planetary sorrow not as passive bystanders but as active participants in a shared journey towards social memory.

The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 20 Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Q’uo on Aversion to the Exercise of Will

The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 20 Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Here Q’uo addresses the frustrated experience of feeling aversion towards exercising one’s will to act in accordance with one’s presumed identity. They suggest in this session that our desires and the universe’s response to them are part of a dynamic relationship which discloses to us our own nature. The veiling effect hampers this disclosure from being clearly recognized, leaving us struggling to reconcile our assumed responsibilities and the past choices that lead to them with our present desires. This is but another facet of the eternal question of how to assert ourselves when doing so cannot help but uncover the unknowns of our own nature. Q’uo locates the friction of aversion here in this question of identity and urges an acceptance of the self’s role in the Creator’s project of self-discovery.