The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 15 Sunday, November 3, 2024

Q’uo on the Significator of Body

The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 15 Sunday, November 3, 2024


In this discourse on the significator of body archetype, Q’uo examines the delicate balance involved in both responsibly caring for the body while pushing it beyond its comfort zone in search of spiritual growth. They present the body as a crucible for change whose value arises from its impermanence, a more fixed and temporally bounded quality when contrasted with the natures of mind and spirit. The body requires a balance between respectful and sacrificial use, and Q’uo ties in some of the symbols in the tarot’s hanged man image to speak to these nuances. They note how deeply polarity is involved even in embodiment, inviting a renewed appreciation for the body’s irreplaceable role in spiritual evolution.

Channeled message

(Jeremy channeling)

We are those of Q’uo, and we are now with this instrument. Greetings, my friends; greetings in the love and light of our One Infinite Creator. 

We are very pleased to have so many opportunities to commune with you—with each of you—and offer our congratulations for work well accomplished in the short time we have had together. For there is so much we wish to impart, and yet it must be called for. So when you thusly call, we rejoice, for we open the treasury. You have the key, but you may not appreciate your possession. So if we can imbue your seeking with the nobility that it truly reflects by simply reminding you of it, that is our most fervent wish. 

Treasures are beautiful gifts, but if they are not to your liking, then what good are they? Keep your own counsel, my friends, for in the domain we are to explore together, we are reaching into the deepest areas of inquiry, and you must always be checking the map of your heart against the road we travel with you. Should we take a turn that does not align with what you find to be fitting, then carefully consider whether you would continue with us, for you and we have had much time seemingly on our own, and if our communion with you must end in certain respects, that is okay, for you have accomplished so much so far. We are not greedy and ask that you discard any wisdom that strikes you as not for you in any way. 

We are pleased to have a conversation with seekers of your sphere on the subject of those archetypes which have not received as much attention. It was quite convenient for your planet to have such a refined and rarefied contact with some of our constituent members, but the seeking goes on, and we are very pleased to see this, for it shows that what those of Ra were able to do did not hit a wall in each and every case. This is our message now. 

In the body cycle, we have those elements of the illusion most dense, most unnegotiable, most static. Even in a motion-filled illusion, stasis is a big part of the experience of that illusion, and this means that the impetus for change, for movement, comes from a capacity of your complex that cannot simply be whipped up in the mind or expanded into as the spirit. Instead the body, as the Buddhists say, is nailed to a spot in time and space, and therefore you must exercise your creativity from a fixed position at any given moment.

The characteristics of the vehicle thusly located have been explored in their most primordial senses with the matrix and potentiator archetypes. In this you have the basic preconditions for how to approach embodiment: embodiment in what you might consider to be a second-density creature full of the programming of reflexes with the survival instinct and the potentials balanced so that one may, with great forethought or a careless whim, release this balance into kinetic mode outside of the homeostasis of its normal operation. What then is the overall leitmotif of this intercourse with a release of potential at this coarse level compared to the other aspects of your beingness?

It is in some way a mystery that unveils itself through the river of time. Conditions of embodiment call to the rebalancing over and over again when one has the ability to ignore the signals of the vehicle and plot a course that is, in some sense—not in every, but in some—unnatural. For the maximum creativity arises from the asymmetry, not from the balance. This creates the virtuous cycle of seeking that balance in a new configuration, a new level. What shall impel the seeker to thus exert its will? 

Well, when it comes to one’s body, it will be an appreciation for the need to deny the second density creature one is learning to properly occupy all of the comforts it expects, all of the advantages that come from the simple survival. This is the tightrope the third density seeker walks, and you have experienced this back and forth in your own life, we are certain: on the one hand, one should be healthy; one should be at ease and in alignment with the nature of the vehicle, carefully observing the nervous signals for danger or decay; on the other hand, to have this vehicle at one’s disposal—and we mean that quite literally: to be able to use the body, perhaps not as an inanimate object, but your kind has much experience with the partnership with second density creatures who occupy other bodies and the myriad ways in which this cooperation can occur. 

You may think carefully about those aspects in which you tend to treat the body as a beast of burden to be exerted, to be thrown into the fray, to allow to incur damage for some larger goal to be reached. This balance is all encapsulated well in the matrix and potentiator, and the story continues in more thrilling detail, shall we say, with the processes of catalysis and the need for the body to incorporate these dynamics into a new homeostasis: a homeostasis that is not autonomic, but instead draws upon the seeker’s responsibility to care both for the burdens the beast is expected to bear and for the overall fitness of its function in a general sense, for one is wise to stay at the ready for future encounters that cannot be known ahead of time always.

In this drama we have just summarized, there is a part of the approach to body that is closer to your root mission in incarnation, my friends. This is the significant self in its most material condition, and this self is the repository of the biases one has accrued navigating your ship of body through many different waters. The biases will not be towards those biases that the creatures outside your door consider normal and goodly, for you are a co-Creator, and you use your illusion for growth on terms that you increasingly accept only when they meet your overall concept of self. 

Everybody understands this on some level for this aspect of being a third density self has so much depth, and yet it can announce itself in very sharp, clear ways. The reason why the image features a man upside down has to do with sacrifice, certainly. For one wishes to purchase spiritual evolution at whatever the asking price may be, and one is not in a position to barter and bargain and haggle with the conditions of life at this level. The body will pay the price. The body will always pay the price, my friends. And so the part of you that is most innate in the material of your body—the part that is nailed to this spot you occupy—will almost always feel not simply off kilter but, at your furthest exertion, at your most intrepid extension of your will to seek the upward spiraling light, your body will be a means to an end, and this does not imply a level of care that is neglectful necessarily. It implies instead the need for an aspect of the self that can be extended into the foray of the illusion and gambled with. 

The coins are not falling because one is gaining the lucre; one is losing it. To live is to expend wealth. To live is to have in some cases that wealth wrung out of you, for you cannot take any of it with you when the body must be transformed. You can only hope to become capable of turning what is coarse and perhaps even foul in the body’s experience through the careful application of wisdom and love into a kind of gold. But the self in the moment in a particular setting must simply give. This is an extension of the arresting of balanced functioning that starts the story. 

It is true that there is great fructification involved in the image related to this archetype, but the self denoted in this image has no way to reach for it, does it? This is fructification occurring on the periphery of the material illusion, and we would offer you a kind of riddle: these fruits you see, these flowers sprouting from this expenditure of the body’s essence, are they within the reach of the significant self in the form of the body? Are there other aspects of the significant self that perhaps have more access to these fruits? For you must see the body as not simply a reflection of mind, but as the very backdrop of mind’s foray into illusion. Without substance to resist, as the one known as Steve pointed out earlier, there is no ability to gain traction for those aspects of the self that do have the ability to exceed the nailed spot, to venture into other dimensions than embodiment can circumscribe. 

To conclude this essay, we would simply underline, highlight, and in boldface state: the body will be lost. You may think you accept this, but when the moment comes, will you ask your Father to forgive those who help you move into a larger life, whoever they are? This is an open question; as long as you continue to breathe, it is an open question, and each moment the body gives you an opportunity to evolve yourself to the point where you can truly answer this, for here polarity reaches its nadir in manifestation. Nowhere else does the energy latent in polarity pierce the self as deeply. 

And so, we ask you to recognize that in the use of the body there is a choice involved. It is a choice that has its starkest, most brightly lit contours. There is no more concreteness to be gained than right here and right now. No other archetype exhibits the promise and prison of the present moment with such resolution. 

We hope that in understanding the relationship between the polarized choice and this significator, you can appreciate and love the body, not simply as a pet or vainly as the brand of one’s personality, but instead see how the second density drama of teaching the self the virtue of aspiring to the light has such value that it would of its own accord sacrifice for you. And this should prompt you to husband this creature with respect, not simply for what it allows you to do, but in some way what it does independent of you in conscious incarnate life. It is quite poignant and beautiful if you really think about it, and in your modern society you are always convinced to think otherwise about the body, to keep it protected for your own purposes rather than for its. It is a polarized situation, however, and we hope we have explained this with sufficient precision and exhortative strength, for we love your bodies, and if you could do the same, you would be the beneficiaries of a great gift. 

I am Q’uo. I believe that we have reached a stopping point and trust that any follow ups could be accomplished at some later point. We shall leave you now to your fruitful discussions in the love and light of our One Infinite Creator, ever grateful for your discretion and your care for the relationship we have with you. Adonai, my brothers and sisters. Adonai. ☥