Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 15 Monday, October 14, 2024

Q’uo on Traction and Projection in Consciousness

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 15 Monday, October 14, 2024

After over two years, the principle of Q’uo revisits the Richmond circle to discuss the nature of seeking as it straddles the present moment and the eternal. Whether plodding along in the tedious moments of life or being swept along in a current of purpose and meaning, consciousness evinces a kind of traction that we both crave as an alternative to the groundlessness of infinity and loathe for its tethering of us to our catalyst. With traction we have an anchored point from which we can project into the illusion outside ourselves through action as well as that within ourselves through meditation. Those of Q’uo offer remarks on how we may use the illusion of separation to piece together an approach to the present moment that can also feel part of a greater evolutionary progression. Questions about shame and self-forgiveness in the context of these dynamics are also considered towards the end of the session.

The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 8 Saturday, November 2, 2024

Q’uo on Catalyst and Experience

The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 8 Saturday, November 2, 2024

In this session, Q’uo explores the archetypal stations of catalyst and experience as they are encountered in daily life, emphasizing a model of projection and reflection that imbues waking life with the veiled messages of the deep mind. Addressing these two stations of the tarot across mind, body, and spirit, their commentary largely centers on how to profitably think about the operation of catalysis and recognize the signs of its grounding, balancing, and integration. Q’uo then follows up on their monologue to address this subject in light of working with dreams and the possibility of catalyst becoming diminished or less obnoxious, in both cases suggesting attitudes with which the mind/body/spirit complex’s extant approaches and processes may be cooperated with more deeply.