The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 8 Saturday, November 2, 2024

Q’uo on Catalyst and Experience

The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 8 Saturday, November 2, 2024


In this session, Q’uo explores the archetypal stations of catalyst and experience as they are encountered in daily life, emphasizing a model of projection and reflection that imbues waking life with the veiled messages of the deep mind. Addressing these two stations of the tarot across mind, body, and spirit, their commentary largely centers on how to profitably think about the operation of catalysis and recognize the signs of its grounding, balancing, and integration. Q’uo then follows up on their monologue to address this subject in light of working with dreams and the possibility of catalyst becoming diminished or less obnoxious, in both cases suggesting attitudes with which the mind/body/spirit complex’s extant approaches and processes may be cooperated with more deeply.

Channeled message

(Jeremy channeling)

I am Q’uo, and I greet you once again, my friends, in the name, the love, the light, the radiance of the One Infinite Creator. Our very souls sing to be with you this day once more. It is a way in which, by deepening our contact with you, blending energies over and over in a short period of time, we gain an appreciation for that with which you struggle, that which flavors the incarnations that teach the creation, the Creator, and the infinite co-Creators that constitute that so much. 

We ask that you recall our many loquacious and effusive admonitions to use discretion, for we wish to keep energy fresh with this instrument and proceed directly into our monologue. Please do not accept any of these ideas if they do not resonate within, for we stretch this instrument to the edge of what he is capable of as a conscious instrument. Thank you for this and for all of your friendship. 

We would like to address the subject of two stations in the three cycles of the system of concept complexes that you recognize through their introduction by a member of our principle some time ago. We would remind you, my friends: these concept complexes are the thing to be studied. The images and the other archetypal study tools are just that. They are tools. They are meant to be applied to the archetypal mind. They are not themselves the subject, and this is a crucial distinction that we feel many here have already made. But in addressing the more subtle aspects of catalyst and experience, we wish to reiterate for the record, so to speak. For your mission is to work with these energies, these nodal points in the transmission of energy through the creation. 

You are not seekers in order to be art critics, so to speak. And there is a point at which the act of interpretation, be it interpretation of our words, interpretation of signs and signals in life, and interpretation of tools such as what you call the tarot, can distract the seeker from the heart of the matter. Because of this, it is necessary for us to clean the slate, as it were, and attempt to take a fresh stab, so to speak, at a treatment of catalyst and experience. We trust that we do not need to go over other archetypes, although they will come into play undoubtedly. 

We begin with the foundational dyad of the archetypal mind in its three characters. With the matrix potentiated and the seeker examining this phenomenon through the quotidian details of life, there is a remove. The pool of infinite possibilities is too vast to be a matter of daily study or care. It cannot grip the attention of the seeker on a regular basis, for it is deeper in its manner of operation. 

Yes, matrix partakes of the conscious mind when it is in the mind cycle. Yet, how often do you empty yourself out and give yourself free choice of the myriad vectors of energy expenditure in life? This is seldom the case, and when it occurs it can often be accompanied by trauma or conditions of confusion. 

Similarly, the potentiator is so hidden in its operation that, by the time one suspects its mechanism has been activated, one has moved quite a bit further on, and one’s study will be in retrospect almost invariably when it comes to the conscious appreciation of the manner in which archetypes flavor the stew, so to speak. Enter catalyst: a mechanism by which this basic dyad can achieve articulation in the material of life. 

If there is a principle in the operation of incarnate life, my friends, it is that the conscious attention cannot be fully relied upon to push the cart of spiritual evolution forward reliably in all cases. This is a discovery stretching back far, far, far in the annals of mind evolution. And in saying this, we draw upon those aspects of spirit and body that run up to the mind and partake of its nature in hidden and mysterious ways, for as the one known as Edgar once said, “mind is builder,”1 and the construction is the subject of observation. 

Now, by expressing this concept as more discrete or observable than matrix or potentiator, we do not in any way mean to call it obvious or unremarkable, for it is in its operation very shrewd. It pulls from the possibilities of the matrix those potentiated selections and mobilizes them unconsciously. This mobilization occurs when the view is pointed away from the subtle operations within the psyche in all respects—mind, body, and of course spirit—for in the same sense that the potentiator draws out of the matrix what shall blossom or die on the vine, the process of catalysis involves the unfolding sequence in which these chosen possibilities unfold and offer to the seeker their treasured contents. 

So, here we are: there are unconscious agendas at work, foundational aspects of desire and teasings of life force that have yet to burst forth into the impulses of will. And we have this mind/body/spirit complex at a position in the evolutionary sequence ready to approach the threshold of transformation. But what should move it across the line or even bring it up to the line? There must be some reason if incarnation is to work in the veiled way that it will, for we have spoken in past sessions about the frustrated evolution that an unveiled third density offers. 

There is a secret to the veil, my friends: it is not solid. It is not without its windows, so to speak. It allows through, similar to the quarantine, energies and particular rotations of mental flavors, the possibilities of a kind of programming of the illusion. This programming is very subtle and cannot account for the creation writ large in its physical or even non-physical manifestation. Instead, it accounts for the part of the illusion that is most illusory, this being the perception of same. 

Through the perception, a given material reality offers an infinite variety of prompts to the co-Creator, and these prompts are paradoxically reflections of the full consciousness hidden away from that seeker. In a past session,2 we have spoken of a fuller appreciation for the aspect of consciousness that could be called “projection.” In your therapeutic and psychological fields, it has a particular connotation, and we would like for you to hold fast to that connotation as a subset of a more general aspect of mind, which offers egress of these energies into the field of the present moment. Much as a beam of light travels from the sun and does not stop until it abuts an opaque object, these psychic bids, shall we say, find their target in the outer illusion, their inflection point, and then return to their source. They return transformed, my friends, for they have been exposed to the field of the illusion, and in a way that we are not prepared to speak to immediately, have gained a quality that is very foundational to the entire purpose of manifest creation. 

As carriers of this added nuance, they return, and because they carry this different quality to them, they are no longer passing by the notice of the conscious mind. They are instead imbued with a kind of intelligibility, a kind of call to the recognition of the conscious mind. They have been activated, so to speak, by the nature of the illusion. And this is a mystery we encourage you to examine further in future sessions, for we would like to remain with their archetypal nature, and that is not a matter of this pseudo-physics, so to speak, but instead a matter of the seeker’s appraisal and analysis of its own qualities and characteristics to convey to the mind/body/spirit complex the fruits of beingness to be explored at this juncture. 

So continuing on, these returning beams of energy, of love, when they are received by the seeker, have the quality of transforming in their nature to a kind of light. They shine upon the conscious seeker and demonstrate the limited nature of the incarnate self in spades. Now, this is something that the illusion is impressing upon the mind/body/spirit complex continually, for it is not a matter of perception at this point. This is not interpreted as something disturbing or arresting or alarming unless and until it shows the conscious self something it suspects deep within in a resonance.

A sympathetic vibration of a variety is exposed to the awareness, and thus the roots of the phenomenon of catalysis become obvious and exposed. Their roots are wrapping around the entity and demanding attention, though there is nothing about these roots that convey the immediate and clear nature of the lesson; they are simply causing the discomfort. And we ask you to examine in your meditations how precious and useful this discomfort is, and it is a great reason why you should celebrate the veil as a tool for your growth and self-discovery. 

Okay, we are now at a point where we are off base, so to speak. We have met our limitations and our items of self that have not graduated to the status of acceptance by the self. What now shall proceed from this catalyst? 

The seeker will at first simply twist and complain, pity the self, and wonder: wherefore this cramping and painful experience? When we speak of this experience, we are not circumscribing the extent of the archetype of experience in mind, body, or in spirit. This is merely the beginning of the archetype, for it prompts a reflection within. You might consider the metaphor of the resistance to the catalyst as building more frustration, more anguish, more dissatisfaction until a breakthrough is made, and one realizes that the cause is not out there at all. It is a distraction; it is a trick. 

Now there is only one direction to turn the gaze. There is no part of the illusion [spared] as one combs through it, sifts through, finding much to criticize, much to offend the self, much to discourage… but eventually exhausted one turns within and looks to see if one can trace the ingress of this returning energy into the expanse inside the self. Here, the probing, the groping about, is nearly as frustrating. However, there is a character to it that is different than the search without, which we hinted at when we spoke of the concepts of traction and projection in consciousness in a previous session,2 for when one gropes about in this infinite expanse, it has the scent that one recognizes as the self, a scent that is far more difficult to pick up out there. 

And now, knowing in some mysterious way that one is finally pointed in the correct direction for the satisfaction that one seeks, that has been prompted by catalysis, one now redoubles one’s efforts and begins to consider the inner exploration as an element of one’s outer life. There is a kind of responsibility taken, and it is a responsibility that can, at first, be very sorrowful, my friends, for the illusion of a self that is merely acted upon is strong. It is part of your patrimony as a former second density creature to simply react, and now you must learn to integrate; you must learn to balance. You must, in other words, learn to respond intelligently, for this is a gigantic element of the third density experience: to learn that this intelligence is at your fingertips, and that this intelligence transmits into your awareness your true nature as the Creator who can move about these abstruse and hidden elements of experience without needing it to be represented concretely in the material illusion. And one gets about the work of observing these ingresses of psychic reflected energy and taking more and more of their penetration of the self to heart, acclimating oneself to the discomfiting nature of their attack and recognizing slowly, ever so slowly, their true origin. 

What we have sketched out here is an overview of the nature in which experience brings catalysis to fruition and reflects in a more articulated and discrete manner the full possibilities of potentiated possibility. This is a kind of reflection; similar to the way that body reflects mind, Catalyst/experience reflects matrix/potentiation and delivers to the significant self items of interest and perhaps the seeds of the new biases to be accrued, and in due time yielding power: the power that is inherent in an agent you would call a Creator.

This all occurs in a certain kind of cycle without sequence, for it is not simply a matter of these archetypes being activated in order, as if they were a simple mechanical or physical process, though it may be useful at times to model it in this way for the purposes of recognizing relationships. As we have said in past contacts, models are to be used, not adopted as truth. So, there are many different ways of approaching the functionality of this tool one uses to study the deep mind. 

Having made this introduction, we feel that we would better convey further information about the specifics of the implementation in mind, in body, and in spirit with your guidance and prompting, should they be in the questions to follow shortly, or in a new session. However, we feel that you have in this information something to work with, something to prompt further seeking, and something that can yield to you a little bit of the convoluted nature of manifest incarnation, for it is an admixture of various qualities of the same energies, and to tease them apart and appreciate them on their own terms: this is very helpful in appreciating those moments of sorrow, suffering, and frustrated confusion. The more that you can not waste your time belittling yourself with resentment at the way in which your life has unfolded through the operation and resonant quality of these elements of consciousness and deep mind, the more you can be of service to each other, which this instrument reminds us, after all, was a concern in your group. 

So, let us leave the matter there for now, and open the floor for questions. We are those of Q’uo. 

Jamie: Hello, Q’uo. My question is, I’m curious about how dreams can be used as a tool to help integrate catalyst and experience in a way that deepens our own understanding of ourselves.

I am Q’uo, and I am aware of your question, my sister. Thank you, for this is a useful question to provide a clue for how these energies are worked with. 

We offer the model of refracting, penetrating beams of energy, but this is but a model, and it is so much more deep than that. We trust you will not leave your inquiry here in this session, but continue to prosecute it on your own terms, for this is what the Creator craves, and you will find, as you deepen your seeking, that it scratches your itch as well. 

The dream is in part a communication from the unconscious to the conscious through a more stable window, you might say; through a window whose location is a bit more established in the conscious psyche. We would say, however, that it is largely experienced as an aspect of mind; though it has other qualities, we wish not to address those in this sitting. 

The dream is a prefiguring, shall we say, in part; an expectation of the ingress of these returning energies. As we have said earlier, this is very difficult to reason about intellectually, so you must accept the metaphorical imagery as a starting point and not as a final conclusion. But if you can accept this, then we would offer that the dream often sets the stage for experience, for it expects what it has launched out into the outer illusion. It expects its return, and if the adept can work with the dream adequately—and the adequacy of this cooperation with the dream need not be perfect or extremely sophisticated—if the adept can work with it adequately, it can ease the acceptance of the lessons that are sought to be taught. 

This is often difficult, however, because the dream is so easily dismissed, as is much of the unconscious mind’s resources. This is why transformation has to do with a fundamental choice of how the mind will be used when we are speaking of transformation in the mind cycle. Your relationship to the unconscious will govern what lessons are catalyzed., and if this seems like a way of saying that you are teaching yourself, you have got it. 

You have tools with which to work with dreams that are available to your conscious awareness with only a little exertion, and any of these could bear fruit for the seeker who is determined. But remember: the archetype of experience has to do very much with this determination, this responsibility-taking. So as you go about the task of listening to the dream, we would offer one further piece of advice: to be patient. And when we say, “be patient,” we do not mean simply wait out the expression of the content of the dream somehow, but instead to dilate your gaze within, and to take in more of the beautiful inner landscape. 

You see, in working with the unconscious, not each facet offers itself with ease to the conscious, but you will find that some are, shall we say, easier targets of opportunity than others. And these, once they are vibrated with sympathetically, will unlock other less easily ascertained aspects of what your unconscious is begging you to wake up to. 

To conclude this answer, we would underline that last sentence. The unconscious very, very much wants you to wake up, to see your true nature, to appreciate it, and the veil was a gift to the mind/body/spirit complex for precisely this reason, for only that which is sacrificed for is valued. 

Does this address your question sufficiently, my sister? We are those of Q’uo. 

Jamie: It does, and thank you. 

We are grateful to you, for this dialogue can, in some ways, reflect the nature of that inward search, and we are overjoyed to see this process deepened in you and in all of your brothers and sisters. May we address ourselves to a further question, as those of Q’uo?

Linus: Thank you, Q’uo. My question relates to the subjective experience or felt sense of working with catalyst. The experience of that is often difficult and with much friction. And my curiosity is pointed towards, and I ask if you could speak to this, it seems that at some point there is a turning point where catalyst may not be experienced as difficult and unpleasant or uncomfortable. And I was wondering if you could speak to that great turning point, and if that is the case and what that involves and what changes fundamentally in that. 

We are those of Q’uo. We believe we grasp the extent of this very astute question. However, bring up aspects we leave out, for this instrument is starting to wane in energy. First, let us speak to how catalyst is worked with, for this is a crucial operational detail, so to speak. You will not execute upon it consciously, but it is good to consciously consider its nature. 

To work with catalyst is like working with the arrow in flight towards one’s shoulder. There is very little actionable in this. All of the work, the effort, the skill, shall we say, arises only when the arrow has met the body, and now there is healing that must take place, and urgently at that. 

Similarly, you will not catch catalyst before it makes itself known, for to know the process is to have been worked upon by it already. So put aside this idea that catalyst is in your domain of operational control. Instead, invest in experience, invest in the balancing of the catalyst, invest in the inward search for the hidden meanings that fall before your eyes and the rest of your senses, my friend. 

It is true that catalysts need not be unpleasant, but this is a state of affairs redolent of the accomplished adept, who has done much balancing and for whom the incidence of discomfort has begun to lose its shock and outrage, you see. You see this in some of the more balanced individuals whom you have met, have you not? They have misfortune in their lives, but it does not trigger so. 

This is, in some ways, to put it crudely, the exposure therapy that third density invests the individual with. You become more supple and fluid with the ins and outs of life when you work within to ensure that they find purchase in the soil of the self instead of trying to get ahead of the sowing of the seed. Why not cultivate its growth? Why not cooperate with this process? Do you see, my brother, how it is a matter of perspective, that it is a change in the way one relates to life, and it is the process of third density to transform the scared, reflex-ridden animal into a co-Creator? 

Now, we would close this response to your question by stating that it is well that you are not fully balanced at this point. For if you were, you would not need this illusion, and you would be leaving your brothers and sisters here in the dust, so to speak, and where you are at is perfect. Once you accept the perfection of this nailing to the spot that incarnation has provided you, you can get to work. And this work can be cheerful, and you can whistle while you work. And when you whistle, the tune catches the ears of your brothers and sisters, and so it is not simply for your benefit that you integrate your pieces of self into an instrument of the Creator’s majesty and love. 

May we make any small extrapolation or further commentary here, my brother? We are those of Q’uo. 

Linus: No, thank you so much for speaking to my question. 

We are those of Q’uo, and we thank you. But we know that you know this instrument is very grateful to you, for you have sown seeds that have borne fruit, as have all here in each other. Cherish this. This is not how it goes down, so to speak, in the higher densities, and it is delightful in the extreme to see your seeking come to fruition in such a clear and joyous way. For we hear your hearts, my brothers and sisters; we hear the singing. Do not let go of that melody, and we will be your friends as it proceeds into new and more elaborate movements. For you are the composers, and we wait for you to make this realization in full with bated breath. 

At this time, we would express our immense gratitude to the circle for creating the conditions for this meeting of hearts. Indeed, the calling goes beyond this circle, and with the promulgation of these words, should you choose that, this will be reflected and strengthened in the seeking of all. 

I am Q’uo. I am now ready to leave this instrument, bidding you a fond farewell for the nonce in the love and light of our One Infinite Creator. Adonai, my brothers and sisters. Adonai. ☥

  1. According to the blog maintained by the Edgar Cayce-founded Association for Research and Englightenment, this phrase, “Mind is the builder,” appears in 284 of his readings and is typically a reference to the idea that “Spirit is the life, mind is the builder, and the physical is the result.”
  2. Q’uo via Weiland: October 14, 2024