In this session from the Other Selves Working Group’s first channeling intensive in Colorado Springs, Q’uo discusses humility, starting with comparing our condition to that of the second density sapling vulnerably striving towards the light without self-consciousness. Q’uo then ties in false humility, arrogance, acceptance of self, protection, specialization, and authority to explore the experiences that we encounter as we hone the personality shells that third density provides us. Given the service we expect to perform, Q’uo suggests we seek to share the burden and comfort one another, recognizing we all started out as more naive and less wise than we are now.
Category: Humility
Q’uo on Feeling Lost
In this session Q’uo addresses the despair and confusion that longtime seekers often encounter on their path. Pursuing a polarity does not mitigate against these feelings as catalysis and transformation work upon us. Q’uo encourages us to develop a relationship with pain that does not deny its sting while also learning how to ask for the help and faith to endure. As always, seeking a larger perspective in the present moment is a great aid in our desire to serve others and build our spiritual strength upon this love.
Q’uo on the Dangers of Channeling
This evening session features those of Q’uo discussing the pitfalls of channeling with a special focus on channeling instruction. They catalog several ways in which instruments can lose their tuning and protection, and the danger of this recklessness is magnified in teachers. We hold a responsibility to ourselves, to other selves, to students, and to the Creator to be fastidious in our channeling conduct, and this requires care in whom we choose to teach to channel.It is in the daily life that we can do the least exotic and most grounding work in recognizing and promoting that vibration we seek in our service as instruments.
Q’uo on Positive Magical Working
In this session those of Q’uo discuss the breadth of concerns and implications resulting from attempts at magical practice on the service-to-others path. With no shortage of cautionary admonitions, several elements of disciplined study and self-inquiry are explicated briefly, including the role of the energy centers, the choice of polarity, the archetypal mind, and the shadow self. The well grounded access of the higher self then plays a pivotal part in the positive adept’s transmutation of the negative energies at work in many conditions we might seek to affect through magical working. However, Q’uo continually remind us that this work demands immense levels of preparation and focus not required for third density polarization, and we can safely effect good through more modest forms of service.
Q’uo on Stewardship
Ever the ones to disclaim authority, Q’uo provides in this session their best effort at articulating the proper balance between respecting free will and exercising power over others on the service-to-others path. They paint an evolutionary portrait of the role of stewardship that incrementally assembles a complex and precarious web of cultural responsibilities, societal norms, psychological repressions, and codical strictures adhering to its rightful exercise, none of which much limits the potential for abuse, distortion, confusion, or unintended side effects. The one saving grace of the positive steward seems to lie in the guidance discovered within, involving a continual reckoning with one’s own blockages and desires that unearths a hard-won humility found in the balancing of the self and the experience of authority enacted both by and upon the self. The goal of all stewardship is to free other selves, achieving the harmony that allows for full expression of mind/body/spirit complexes without need for outer governance; yet a reliable recipe to effect this harmony appears to evade those of Q’uo.
Q’uo on Will, Memory, and Truth
In the final session of the fifth intensive, those of Q’uo expand upon the topic of memory from the last session with an emphasis on the existence, nature, and meaning of the “truth.” Here too, will plays a role in the dyadic activity of remembrance, coupling subject to a limited perspective on an event. Given the veil of forgetting, Q’uo endorses no external standard by which veracity can be reliably and objectively teased out from the confusion of siloed and contradictory memories.
The achievement of a planetary social memory complex in fourth density will provide all with common access to all individual memories, and in this event lies the fruition of memory: the possibility of a commonly triangulated and authoritative truth across perspectives and distortions. Until then, one must humbly account for the role one’s confusion, hurt, and limitations under the veil perennially play in the accuracy of one’s recollection and one’s truth.
Oorkas on the Light Touch
Oorkas is a new contact for Richmond Meditation Circle, clearly related to the “Orcas” that L/L Research channelled some forty years ago. This newly fourth density social memory complex relates very touchingly to our dilemmas of third density veiled service, suggesting that we develop a flexibility and humor towards a very discombobulating illusion. The manner in which Oorkas incorporates the interruptions encountered during this session are a fitting example of this temperament they connect to Ra’s concept of the light touch. Those of Oorkas assure us that the suffering and tragedies of Earth are not for naught, and that the very response those seemingly unfortunate events elicit in us demonstrate the breadth of our potential beyond this density.
Monka on Discovering a New Center
Monka provides thoughts on effectively relating to one’s past experience as the seeker perceives a new stage of life ahead, thereby implicitly closing out an old stage and in some sense an old self. Though it may seem like a sacrifice to let go of those parts of the self that represent the old, known configuration, it is really just about putting these parts in a different configuration by rewriting the narrative. Throughout the session Monka uses the visual of “concentric circles” as a way to think about the structure that consciousness assumes as it discovers new centers of attraction at various scales. These include the mind/body/spirit complex, the meditation circle and its rippling effects outward, the mirroring effect, and the relationship between higher density complexes and third density humans. They lastly provide some insight into how the circle members may cultivate better contact.
Laitos on the Discerning Instrument
The fourth density social memory complex of Laitos visits the Other Selves Working Group’s first gathering in Estes Park, Colorado to discuss the practice of channeling with two student instruments. They counsel those gathered to look to their own inner spiritual connection to a deeper reality as a help when verifying the connection to higher density contacts. The entire process of channeling prompts deeper questioning within the seeker regarding the basis of one’s own narrow identity, and working with this tentative nature of the self will help the instrument tease out which elements of contact truly arise from without those boundaries, however arbitrary. Laitos concludes by encouraging new instruments to not overly stress the provenance of the message received; whether it arises from the self as narrowly construed or from other selves, the tuning of the channeling group’s calling has the most determinative effect on the appropriateness of the information.
Q’uo on Setting Intentions
In this final session from the Working Group’s 2024 gathering, those of Q’uo address concerns around the setting of intention. They begin by counseling the seeker to tidy their mind and heart, recognizing that one cannot eliminate all impediments to transformation. On the service-to-others path we set our best intentions by seeking their alignment with the Creator’s will. By using a lighter touch in effecting our own will, we make space for our intentions to keep pace with phenomenal opportunities and deepen with reflection. Follow up questions are offered with respect to lessening Earth’s suffering and intentionally programming dreams.
Oorkas on the Rhythm of Seeking
In their second contact with the circle, Oorkas comments upon the enormity of the challenge of seeking infinitely within an infinite Creator. This endless quest is processed by us in units that regularly provide fresh opportunities to respond to dead ends on the path. Faith carries us through this cadence of new moments, building that capacity to continually extend the self further in the protean growth of our Creator. Connecting within to one’s higher self delivers a transcendence of individual identity towards a more cosmic scale of concerns. Oorkas also addresses the role of the potentiator of spirit archetype in this issue as well as questions about the function of individuation and emotions.
Laitos on Humility
Here Laitos delves into humility as a multifaceted virtue essential for spiritual growth, emphasizing its role in fostering learning and deepening relationships. Humility is contrasted with pride, which is depicted as a fear-based defense, and the discussion highlights the freedom and authenticity that come from embracing humility. The concept of dignity is also explored, suggesting that true self-worth complements humility, allowing for a balanced sense of interconnectedness and self-respect.