Training session The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 7 Saturday, November 2, 2024

Laitos on the Shadow Self

Training session The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 7 Saturday, November 2, 2024

In this transmission, Laitos addresses the concept of the shadow self, a byproduct of third density separation from unity, which grows from repressed shame and emotions. The shadow, often ignored or hidden, can unexpectedly resurface, causing confusion. Understanding and accepting the shadow involves recognizing and forgiving the aspects of the self that are projected onto others. Through acceptance and loving awareness, one can integrate the shadow, leading to self-healing, compassion, and a sense of wholeness. This process diminishes judgment and fosters a more integrated self, essential for the spiritual journey towards unity with the One Infinite Creator.

Training session The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 9 Saturday, November 2, 2024

Laitos on Humility

Training session The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 9 Saturday, November 2, 2024

Here Laitos delves into humility as a multifaceted virtue essential for spiritual growth, emphasizing its role in fostering learning and deepening relationships. Humility is contrasted with pride, which is depicted as a fear-based defense, and the discussion highlights the freedom and authenticity that come from embracing humility. The concept of dignity is also explored, suggesting that true self-worth complements humility, allowing for a balanced sense of interconnectedness and self-respect.

Training session The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 10 Sunday, November 3, 2024

Q’uo on Faith

Training session The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 10 Sunday, November 3, 2024

Q’uo discusses faith as an essential element in the third-density journey of learning love, where individuals navigate an illusion of separateness and fear. Faith is compared to the archetype of the Fool, who fearlessly steps forward, trusting that all is well. This journey of faith involves questioning identity and purpose, making choices of service to others or self, and working through the chakras, starting from the base and moving towards the heart center where the realization of universal love and connectedness begins. As individuals progress, faith grows, guiding them through life’s uncertainties and leading to spiritual evolution. Q’uo emphasizes that faith is not just belief but a faculty that develops with an open heart, and it is through faith that one can continually connect to the unconditional love of the One Infinite Creator.

Training session The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 11 Sunday, November 3, 2024

Q’uo on Acceptance and Letting Go

Training session The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 11 Sunday, November 3, 2024

Here Q’uo discusses the value of both letting go and acceptance as a balance to the active pursuit of control. They suggest that true peace and trust emerge from releasing the need to dictate outcomes, inviting listeners to consider the possibilities that silence and passive observation can reveal. Letting go is linked to accessing deeper mental resources and cultivating inner tranquility. Q’uo also advises reevaluating the beliefs and identities we cling to for security, proposing that this can open us up to new experiences and insights. They describe letting go as a compassionate process of forgiveness and healing, emphasizing that it involves working with love and compassion to release and heal, rather than forcefully discarding parts of ourselves.

Training session The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 12 Sunday, November 3, 2024

Q’uo on the Ego

Training session The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 12 Sunday, November 3, 2024

In this short training session from a new instrument, those of Q’uo explore the originating logic of the ego and how it is eventually dissolved. The ego is a construct we build as an alternative to realizing our complete natures, and as we spiritually mature we are able to slowly release the stories that frame this ego construct one by one. Q’uo emphasizes the role of compassion towards the self in this releasing and acceptance of the uselessness of the ego’s many protections of the self.