Colorado Springs Circle Second Channeling Intensive Session 6 Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Q’uo on the Spiritual Aspects of Safety

Colorado Springs Circle Second Channeling Intensive Session 6 Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Q’uo speaks to the difficult balance between staying safe and embracing catalyst. Where the integrity of the incarnation is concerned, Q’uo tells us, safety is an important baseline. But it is easy to become overprotective of both self and other. Q’uo reminds us that one must decide for oneself how much catalyst can be taken in and processed. They then touch on many other intersecting topics, such as the light touch, martyrdom, boldness, and group harmony.

Colorado Springs Circle Third Channeling Intensive Session 8 Saturday, October 8, 2022

Q’uo on the Dangers of Channeling

Colorado Springs Circle Third Channeling Intensive Session 8 Saturday, October 8, 2022

This evening session features those of Q’uo discussing the pitfalls of channeling with a special focus on channeling instruction. They catalog several ways in which instruments can lose their tuning and protection, and the danger of this recklessness is magnified in teachers. We hold a responsibility to ourselves, to other selves, to students, and to the Creator to be fastidious in our channeling conduct, and this requires care in whom we choose to teach to channel.It is in the daily life that we can do the least exotic and most grounding work in recognizing and promoting that vibration we seek in our service as instruments.

Colorado Springs Circle Third Channeling Intensive Session 9 Sunday, October 9, 2022

Q’uo on the Higher Self in Polarized Evolution

Colorado Springs Circle Third Channeling Intensive Session 9 Sunday, October 9, 2022

Q’uo here speaks, initially, to the broad problem of becoming an incarnatively created self, prior to turning to the question of the higher self proper. The focus is on the way in which the higher self may be of service in aiding the development of the self as it reaches the stage of evolution in which the spirit complex becomes a dynamic variable in its process. Finally, Q’uo speaks to the differences between the two polarities, positive and negative, with respect to the manner in which guidance of the evolution of self-hood is effectuated.

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 5 Sunday, March 12, 2023

Auxhall on the Orienting Nature of Faith

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 5 Sunday, March 12, 2023

Making their first contact with the Richmond Meditation Circle, Auxhall (often spelled as “Oxal”, but we feel this spelling better captures the vibration) explains the nature of faith as a situating plenum of comfort as well as an orienting pressure on an entity. Faith provides the basis for connecting the lessons of catalysis with the deeper desires of the evolving mind/body/spirit complex, so that it learns to understand these desires at levels that partake more and more of the total self. This allows the waking personality to cooperate in this complex’s project as it learns to recognize and accept the self. Those of Auxhall also address questions related to willpower, imagination, and the distinction between intuition and conscious thinking.

The HARC Circle Fourth Channeling Intensive Session 9 Monday, June 19, 2023

Q’uo on Polarized Time/Space

The HARC Circle Fourth Channeling Intensive Session 9 Monday, June 19, 2023

This session deals with the nature of time/space as a reciprocal, alternatively constrained experience to space/time, offering mind/body/spirit complexes a more qualitative realm in which to intensify the focus of their seeking. Q’uo discusses the individual’s oscillation through these two realms of experience and how they contribute to one’s seeking path, especially with respect to the polarized nature of time/space. There is also some engagement with the nature of time, and those of Q’uo describe the dream experience as an example of those more fluid encounters with phenomena that time/space makes possible. As mind/body/spirit complexes grow more and more into their chosen path of polarity, time/space prepares the entity to make better use of space/time opportunities.

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 3 Sunday, November 5, 2023

Q’uo on Positive Magical Working

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 3 Sunday, November 5, 2023

In this session those of Q’uo discuss the breadth of concerns and implications resulting from attempts at magical practice on the service-to-others path. With no shortage of cautionary admonitions, several elements of disciplined study and self-inquiry are explicated briefly, including the role of the energy centers, the choice of polarity, the archetypal mind, and the shadow self. The well grounded access of the higher self then plays a pivotal part in the positive adept’s transmutation of the negative energies at work in many conditions we might seek to affect through magical working. However, Q’uo continually remind us that this work demands immense levels of preparation and focus not required for third density polarization, and we can safely effect good through more modest forms of service.

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 7 Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Q’uo on the Polarized Use of Will

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 7 Tuesday, November 7, 2023

In this session, those of Q’uo provide observations on the manner in which the will is specifically involved in the polarization process, shedding light on how the service-to-self entity exercises this faculty relative to the service-to-others entity. As a structuring and motivating force for the deep mind in third density, will serves to refine the personality through basic responses of acceptance and rejection towards desires from within and catalyst from seemingly without. While neither response is completely abandoned on either polarity, one response will tend to typify the direction of one’s path, strengthening an energetic pattern for how one relates to other selves and the world. Given its role in maintaining a cohesive and secure personality in our lives, Q’uo explores several attitudinal, philosophical, and strategic factors impacting how a mind/body/spirit complex employs will to work with lessons and polarize towards harvestability.

The HARC Circle Working Group Gathering '24 Session 1 Friday, June 7, 2024

Laitos on the Discerning Instrument

The HARC Circle Working Group Gathering '24 Session 1 Friday, June 7, 2024

The fourth density social memory complex of Laitos visits the Other Selves Working Group’s first gathering in Estes Park, Colorado to discuss the practice of channeling with two student instruments. They counsel those gathered to look to their own inner spiritual connection to a deeper reality as a help when verifying the connection to higher density contacts. The entire process of channeling prompts deeper questioning within the seeker regarding the basis of one’s own narrow identity, and working with this tentative nature of the self will help the instrument tease out which elements of contact truly arise from without those boundaries, however arbitrary. Laitos concludes by encouraging new instruments to not overly stress the provenance of the message received; whether it arises from the self as narrowly construed or from other selves, the tuning of the channeling group’s calling has the most determinative effect on the appropriateness of the information.

The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 6 Saturday, November 2, 2024

Q’uo on the Matrix, Potentiator, and Significator of Spirit

The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 6 Saturday, November 2, 2024

Q’uo focuses here on those archetypes of Matrix, Potentiator, and Significator as they relate to work within the spirit complex. Dwelling upon the intense nature of seeking in this domain, they emphasize the importance of polarity and the need for the seeker to have firmly established their orientation towards service-to-others or service-to-self before venturing into the work of Spirit. After discussing the functional and affective aspects of the three stations of the Spirit cycle of archetypes, those of Q’uo affirm both the difficulty of the work in spirit and the profound joy and reward it offers to those who persevere. Before concluding, they entertain questions stemming from the abjectly daunting nature of the spirit complex Q’uo has described.

Training session The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 12 Sunday, November 3, 2024

Q’uo on the Ego

Training session The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 12 Sunday, November 3, 2024

In this short training session from a new instrument, those of Q’uo explore the originating logic of the ego and how it is eventually dissolved. The ego is a construct we build as an alternative to realizing our complete natures, and as we spiritually mature we are able to slowly release the stories that frame this ego construct one by one. Q’uo emphasizes the role of compassion towards the self in this releasing and acceptance of the uselessness of the ego’s many protections of the self.

The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 15 Sunday, November 3, 2024

Q’uo on the Significator of Body

The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 15 Sunday, November 3, 2024

In this discourse on the significator of body archetype, Q’uo examines the delicate balance involved in both responsibly caring for the body while pushing it beyond its comfort zone in search of spiritual growth. They present the body as a crucible for change whose value arises from its impermanence, a more fixed and temporally bounded quality when contrasted with the natures of mind and spirit. The body requires a balance between respectful and sacrificial use, and Q’uo ties in some of the symbols in the tarot’s hanged man image to speak to these nuances. They note how deeply polarity is involved even in embodiment, inviting a renewed appreciation for the body’s irreplaceable role in spiritual evolution.