Those of Q’uo describe the life of the will as an entity polarizes towards a stronger and more effective energy distribution system otherwise known as a personality. Because will transcends the veil between the conscious and unconscious minds, the very catalyst that challenges us to know ourselves also mobilizes our shadow selves within as blockages are untangled and the power channeled by the personality draws upon the deeper self. This energy can manifest in strange and unwelcome ways, and we are encouraged to mind our thoughts in order to accept ourselves and balance the powers we channel.
Category: Q’uo
Q’uo on Positive Magical Working
In this session those of Q’uo discuss the breadth of concerns and implications resulting from attempts at magical practice on the service-to-others path. With no shortage of cautionary admonitions, several elements of disciplined study and self-inquiry are explicated briefly, including the role of the energy centers, the choice of polarity, the archetypal mind, and the shadow self. The well grounded access of the higher self then plays a pivotal part in the positive adept’s transmutation of the negative energies at work in many conditions we might seek to affect through magical working. However, Q’uo continually remind us that this work demands immense levels of preparation and focus not required for third density polarization, and we can safely effect good through more modest forms of service.
Q’uo on Resistances in the Exercise of Will
This session features those of Q’uo discussing the dynamics of invoking the will, emphasizing intention as a crystallization of desire that gives us a way to relate to that which draws us forward. Along the way we encounter obstacles evincing unrecognized aspects of our desire in our blockages, confusion, and unexamined thoughts, and we wisely avoid the temptation to wrest the self into acceptability by a sheer act of will. Using a lighter, more patient touch will help us delicately work with catalyst on a more manageable basis in order to more gently address our distortions, accept and learn from our missteps, and discipline our conduct as we seek the love in each moment.
Q’uo on Stewardship
Ever the ones to disclaim authority, Q’uo provides in this session their best effort at articulating the proper balance between respecting free will and exercising power over others on the service-to-others path. They paint an evolutionary portrait of the role of stewardship that incrementally assembles a complex and precarious web of cultural responsibilities, societal norms, psychological repressions, and codical strictures adhering to its rightful exercise, none of which much limits the potential for abuse, distortion, confusion, or unintended side effects. The one saving grace of the positive steward seems to lie in the guidance discovered within, involving a continual reckoning with one’s own blockages and desires that unearths a hard-won humility found in the balancing of the self and the experience of authority enacted both by and upon the self. The goal of all stewardship is to free other selves, achieving the harmony that allows for full expression of mind/body/spirit complexes without need for outer governance; yet a reliable recipe to effect this harmony appears to evade those of Q’uo.
Q’uo on Will and Desire
In this session, those of Q’uo examine the relationship and distinctions between desire and will within third density. They describe desire as a random, indistinct, and chaotic energy drawing the entity towards the upward spiralling light in an unclear and mysterious fashion. The activiation of the spirit complex introduces the mind/body/spirit complex to the possibility of self-consciously ordering this energy of desire towards more articulated ends through the faculty of will. Because of the operation of the veil clouding the true nature of these energies, will increasingly coheres into a choice of polarity that can work intelligently and creatively with desire’s upward draw towards unity and co-creatorship. Q’uo hints that we take a key step towards social memory in fourth density as we recognize the patterns inherent in the integration of desire and will within ourselves and our other selves.
Q’uo on the Polarized Use of Will
In this session, those of Q’uo provide observations on the manner in which the will is specifically involved in the polarization process, shedding light on how the service-to-self entity exercises this faculty relative to the service-to-others entity. As a structuring and motivating force for the deep mind in third density, will serves to refine the personality through basic responses of acceptance and rejection towards desires from within and catalyst from seemingly without. While neither response is completely abandoned on either polarity, one response will tend to typify the direction of one’s path, strengthening an energetic pattern for how one relates to other selves and the world. Given its role in maintaining a cohesive and secure personality in our lives, Q’uo explores several attitudinal, philosophical, and strategic factors impacting how a mind/body/spirit complex employs will to work with lessons and polarize towards harvestability.
Q’uo on Memory as a Feature of Creation
Here those of Q’uo explore one of the key underlying qualities of evolution: the continuity of identity represented by the faculty of memory. In order to encapsulate Its project of self-understanding through a series of introspective, projective, and reflexive expressions, the individual unit of the Creator accrues the complexes of body, mind, and spirit. At each successive density, this process refines and expands the nature of memory from a merely material affair to an increasingly abstract and noumenal phenomenon as the transforming self is continually reproduced. Ultimately, a kind of cosmic memory spanning octaves relies upon the individual mind/body/spirit complex, as each entity serves as a fixed reference point against which the Creator may evaluate its octaval thought experiments. In relating this, Q’uo offers a new argument for the value and dignity of each individual, both as an irreplaceable agent of the Creator’s eternal self-inquiry and as a site for registering and retaining the fruits of Its distilled learning.
Q’uo on Will, Memory, and Truth
In the final session of the fifth intensive, those of Q’uo expand upon the topic of memory from the last session with an emphasis on the existence, nature, and meaning of the “truth.” Here too, will plays a role in the dyadic activity of remembrance, coupling subject to a limited perspective on an event. Given the veil of forgetting, Q’uo endorses no external standard by which veracity can be reliably and objectively teased out from the confusion of siloed and contradictory memories.
The achievement of a planetary social memory complex in fourth density will provide all with common access to all individual memories, and in this event lies the fruition of memory: the possibility of a commonly triangulated and authoritative truth across perspectives and distortions. Until then, one must humbly account for the role one’s confusion, hurt, and limitations under the veil perennially play in the accuracy of one’s recollection and one’s truth.
Q’uo on Purifying Desire
The Q’uo principle addresses the Other Selves Working Group at their 2024 gathering on the complicated subject of desire and how it is refined in the midst of spiritual seeking. As both a force shaping us and being shaped by our continually discovered biases, we learn to work with the great variety of desires, both in how they relate to each other and how they might be expressed and integrated. Because these desires tend to dip below consciousness, Q’uo reminds us of the veil’s purpose in stimulating polarization in third density, forming the basis for a kind of organization of desires that allow us to pursue our chosen pole. Even frustrated desire can be very instructive to a mind/body/spirit complex’s larger evolution, especially when it comes to reconciling our polarized choice with the constellation of desires the seeker continually discovers within its complex.
Q’uo on Setting Intentions
In this final session from the Working Group’s 2024 gathering, those of Q’uo address concerns around the setting of intention. They begin by counseling the seeker to tidy their mind and heart, recognizing that one cannot eliminate all impediments to transformation. On the service-to-others path we set our best intentions by seeking their alignment with the Creator’s will. By using a lighter touch in effecting our own will, we make space for our intentions to keep pace with phenomenal opportunities and deepen with reflection. Follow up questions are offered with respect to lessening Earth’s suffering and intentionally programming dreams.
Q’uo on Traction and Projection in Consciousness
After over two years, the principle of Q’uo revisits the Richmond circle to discuss the nature of seeking as it straddles the present moment and the eternal. Whether plodding along in the tedious moments of life or being swept along in a current of purpose and meaning, consciousness evinces a kind of traction that we both crave as an alternative to the groundlessness of infinity and loathe for its tethering of us to our catalyst. With traction we have an anchored point from which we can project into the illusion outside ourselves through action as well as that within ourselves through meditation. Those of Q’uo offer remarks on how we may use the illusion of separation to piece together an approach to the present moment that can also feel part of a greater evolutionary progression. Questions about shame and self-forgiveness in the context of these dynamics are also considered towards the end of the session.
Q’uo on Intellect and Intuition in Archetypal Study
In this exploration of the mind’s intricate dance between intellect and intuition, those of the principle of Q’uo invite us to consider the delicate interplay of these facets of consciousness when we make a study of the archetypal mind. Having sketched out the functions and value in the seeking process that these two faculties defined by the veil exhibit, Q’uo draws in the interaction of the matrix and the potentiator as foundational patterns of energy flow in manifestation. However, the pattern described cannot banish the primacy of mystery in seeking, and we are cautioned to balance intellect and intuition when we study the archetypal mind, abiding with that which our two mental tools cannot explain to our conscious satisfaction.
Q’uo on Desire and Catalyst
In this session, the principle of Q’uo explores the nuanced relationship between desire and catalyst, suggesting that desire extends beyond the individual to encompass one’s collective identities and groups. The selective nature of desire combines with the occluded nature of catalyst to deliver its internal conflicts, culminating in the concept of sacrifice which releases and transforms the desire. Delving into the overlap between this idea and the catalyst stations of the tarot, Q’uo calls out a few of the broader qualities of each archetype, noting the reflective nature of body and the intensifying overtones of spirit. They conclude with a challenge to individual responsibility for desire and its attendant catalyst, hinting at the wisdom of pursuing a deeper appreciation for these two features of the seeker’s journey.
Q’uo on the Matrix, Potentiator, and Significator of Spirit
Q’uo focuses here on those archetypes of Matrix, Potentiator, and Significator as they relate to work within the spirit complex. Dwelling upon the intense nature of seeking in this domain, they emphasize the importance of polarity and the need for the seeker to have firmly established their orientation towards service-to-others or service-to-self before venturing into the work of Spirit. After discussing the functional and affective aspects of the three stations of the Spirit cycle of archetypes, those of Q’uo affirm both the difficulty of the work in spirit and the profound joy and reward it offers to those who persevere. Before concluding, they entertain questions stemming from the abjectly daunting nature of the spirit complex Q’uo has described.
Q’uo on Catalyst and Experience
In this session, Q’uo explores the archetypal stations of catalyst and experience as they are encountered in daily life, emphasizing a model of projection and reflection that imbues waking life with the veiled messages of the deep mind. Addressing these two stations of the tarot across mind, body, and spirit, their commentary largely centers on how to profitably think about the operation of catalysis and recognize the signs of its grounding, balancing, and integration. Q’uo then follows up on their monologue to address this subject in light of working with dreams and the possibility of catalyst becoming diminished or less obnoxious, in both cases suggesting attitudes with which the mind/body/spirit complex’s extant approaches and processes may be cooperated with more deeply.