Colorado Springs Circle Third Channeling Intensive Session 6 Saturday, October 8, 2022

Q’uo on the Nature of Mind and its Creature, the Body

Colorado Springs Circle Third Channeling Intensive Session 6 Saturday, October 8, 2022

In this session, those of Q’uo address the nature of mind and its relation to the body. They discuss the grounding of mind in love and how its fluid nature relates to manifestation and embodiment. Some hints are also offered about how the body relates mind back to itself. Towards the end, Q’uo answers a question on the “tree of mind” metaphor as viewed from the body complex.

Colorado Springs Circle Third Channeling Intensive Session 7 Saturday, October 8, 2022

Q’uo on the Complexity of Spirit

Colorado Springs Circle Third Channeling Intensive Session 7 Saturday, October 8, 2022

Q’uo here explores the way that the complexity of spirit arises from the initial complexity of mind, as a result of points of contact between the two dimensions of self. The specific role of the veil is discussed, and the sense in which that catalyst which is unused by mind tends to seep through, as an undigested remainder, into the spirit, creating residues that contribute to the complexification. These, in part, seed the tendency of the spirit complex to be experienced as a dark and dangerous place.

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 5 Sunday, March 12, 2023

Auxhall on the Orienting Nature of Faith

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 5 Sunday, March 12, 2023

Making their first contact with the Richmond Meditation Circle, Auxhall (often spelled as “Oxal”, but we feel this spelling better captures the vibration) explains the nature of faith as a situating plenum of comfort as well as an orienting pressure on an entity. Faith provides the basis for connecting the lessons of catalysis with the deeper desires of the evolving mind/body/spirit complex, so that it learns to understand these desires at levels that partake more and more of the total self. This allows the waking personality to cooperate in this complex’s project as it learns to recognize and accept the self. Those of Auxhall also address questions related to willpower, imagination, and the distinction between intuition and conscious thinking.

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 6 Sunday, April 23, 2023

Hatonn on the Wanderer’s Art of Patient Service

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 6 Sunday, April 23, 2023

Hatonn pays a visit to the Richmond Meditation Circle after nearly a year’s absence to provide context on some of the details involved in the wanderer’s emotional service in third density. Because the open heart is such a site of vulnerability, we must accept that heartbreak is not simply a side-effect of serving others but what makes us relatable and recognizable to those we serve. This opens us up to difficult catalyst, and we must discipline our personalities to offer what we cannot balance ourselves back to the Creator. As we hone our faculty of patience, we bring a more cosmic and universal love to bear that allows us to midwife the transition to fourth density on behalf of the Logos. Aspects of polarity related to specific forms of service to the emerging social memory complex also receive some discussion.

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 2 Saturday, November 4, 2023

Q’uo on Personality and Subconscious Will

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 2 Saturday, November 4, 2023

Those of Q’uo describe the life of the will as an entity polarizes towards a stronger and more effective energy distribution system otherwise known as a personality. Because will transcends the veil between the conscious and unconscious minds, the very catalyst that challenges us to know ourselves also mobilizes our shadow selves within as blockages are untangled and the power channeled by the personality draws upon the deeper self. This energy can manifest in strange and unwelcome ways, and we are encouraged to mind our thoughts in order to accept ourselves and balance the powers we channel.

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 3 Sunday, November 5, 2023

Q’uo on Positive Magical Working

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 3 Sunday, November 5, 2023

In this session those of Q’uo discuss the breadth of concerns and implications resulting from attempts at magical practice on the service-to-others path. With no shortage of cautionary admonitions, several elements of disciplined study and self-inquiry are explicated briefly, including the role of the energy centers, the choice of polarity, the archetypal mind, and the shadow self. The well grounded access of the higher self then plays a pivotal part in the positive adept’s transmutation of the negative energies at work in many conditions we might seek to affect through magical working. However, Q’uo continually remind us that this work demands immense levels of preparation and focus not required for third density polarization, and we can safely effect good through more modest forms of service.

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 8 Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Q’uo on Memory as a Feature of Creation

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 8 Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Here those of Q’uo explore one of the key underlying qualities of evolution: the continuity of identity represented by the faculty of memory. In order to encapsulate Its project of self-understanding through a series of introspective, projective, and reflexive expressions, the individual unit of the Creator accrues the complexes of body, mind, and spirit. At each successive density, this process refines and expands the nature of memory from a merely material affair to an increasingly abstract and noumenal phenomenon as the transforming self is continually reproduced. Ultimately, a kind of cosmic memory spanning octaves relies upon the individual mind/body/spirit complex, as each entity serves as a fixed reference point against which the Creator may evaluate its octaval thought experiments. In relating this, Q’uo offers a new argument for the value and dignity of each individual, both as an irreplaceable agent of the Creator’s eternal self-inquiry and as a site for registering and retaining the fruits of Its distilled learning.

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channelling Practice Session 10 Saturday, February 24, 2024

Monka on Discovering a New Center

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channelling Practice Session 10 Saturday, February 24, 2024

Monka provides thoughts on effectively relating to one’s past experience as the seeker perceives a new stage of life ahead, thereby implicitly closing out an old stage and in some sense an old self. Though it may seem like a sacrifice to let go of those parts of the self that represent the old, known configuration, it is really just about putting these parts in a different configuration by rewriting the narrative. Throughout the session Monka uses the visual of “concentric circles” as a way to think about the structure that consciousness assumes as it discovers new centers of attraction at various scales. These include the mind/body/spirit complex, the meditation circle and its rippling effects outward, the mirroring effect, and the relationship between higher density complexes and third density humans. They lastly provide some insight into how the circle members may cultivate better contact.

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 11 Sunday, April 14, 2024

Auxhall on Comfort and Group Dynamics

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 11 Sunday, April 14, 2024

Expanding on Monka’s theme from the last session, Auxhall addresses the experience of encountering a plurality of selves whether looking outward or inward. They situate work with groups as another variety of working within the self which can afford either comfort or discomfort depending on how one has tuned and balanced the self. Those of Auxhall offer many ideas on how one might begin to become comfortable with discomfort: building patience and flexibility through the use of the illusions of time and space in productive ways, balancing within the self to avoid blame, and untangling the knots of emotion and trauma though clearing energy centers.

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 13 Saturday, August 31, 2024

Monka on Balancing Faith and Discernment

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 13 Saturday, August 31, 2024

After an over three month break, the Richmond Meditation Circle made contact with Monka. The gap in time as well as life events and energy levels impacted the instrument’s performance. While the tuning and challenging were adequate to publish, the Circle decided to redact one paragraph out of an abundance of caution, and this should lead the reader to use the utmost discrimination in evaluating the content.

The message revolves around when faith should be employed and when to use discernment. Connecting within to the deep self yields the guidance which informs the exercise of either capacity. With these tools, one can more easily honor one’s doubts about the future while striding forward into the mysterious future with confidence to serve. At the end of the session Monka provides commentary on shadow work and using meditation to work with feelings of anxiety and being stuck. Demonstrating one’s learned lessons and held ideals in the illusion comes up several times as a key component of evolutionary progress.

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 14 Saturday, September 21, 2024

Oorkas on the Rhythm of Seeking

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 14 Saturday, September 21, 2024

In their second contact with the circle, Oorkas comments upon the enormity of the challenge of seeking infinitely within an infinite Creator. This endless quest is processed by us in units that regularly provide fresh opportunities to respond to dead ends on the path. Faith carries us through this cadence of new moments, building that capacity to continually extend the self further in the protean growth of our Creator. Connecting within to one’s higher self delivers a transcendence of individual identity towards a more cosmic scale of concerns. Oorkas also addresses the role of the potentiator of spirit archetype in this issue as well as questions about the function of individuation and emotions.