The HARC Circle Fourth Channeling Intensive Session 10 Monday, June 19, 2023

Q’uo on Individuality Across Octaves

The HARC Circle Fourth Channeling Intensive Session 10 Monday, June 19, 2023

In this session, Q’uo expands upon a 2010 session in which they stated that individuals or soul streams persist from octave to octave. The value of the individual “centers to infinity” evolving as co-Creators is explored in terms of the Creation’s fractal nature, with each unit conveying a kind of memory of the specific distilled learning back to the Creator along lines that are consistent and inherent to this protean exercise of creation. There is the implication that this consistent fractal structure is the constant across octaves that allows for each new creation to be relatively appreciated for its novelty and for its distilled content to be shuttled back to the One Infinite Creator.

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 7 Saturday, August 26, 2023

Monka on Aligning with the Creator’s Will

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 7 Saturday, August 26, 2023

The social memory complex of Monka visits the Richmond Meditation Circle once more here to discuss the connection between individual work in consciousness and the more focused group work that can build and deploy power. Much of developing this potential depends upon diligent and honest self-inquiry about the deeper nature of one’s desires, one’s nature, and how that might be a more or less distorted of the divine will. Those of Monka offer ideas on how to balance the stresses of human life without separating yourself from your fellow humans. Much of our work in consciousness revolves around the ability to shift perspective and thereby shift one’s subjectivity, and this lies at the root of magical working. Monka offers that much of the transformation we seek occurs as a release of old identity, a process they connect to a more mindful awareness of the present moment. We are capable of powerful good so long as we stay grounded in the density of those whom we wish to assist.

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 8 Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Q’uo on Memory as a Feature of Creation

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 8 Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Here those of Q’uo explore one of the key underlying qualities of evolution: the continuity of identity represented by the faculty of memory. In order to encapsulate Its project of self-understanding through a series of introspective, projective, and reflexive expressions, the individual unit of the Creator accrues the complexes of body, mind, and spirit. At each successive density, this process refines and expands the nature of memory from a merely material affair to an increasingly abstract and noumenal phenomenon as the transforming self is continually reproduced. Ultimately, a kind of cosmic memory spanning octaves relies upon the individual mind/body/spirit complex, as each entity serves as a fixed reference point against which the Creator may evaluate its octaval thought experiments. In relating this, Q’uo offers a new argument for the value and dignity of each individual, both as an irreplaceable agent of the Creator’s eternal self-inquiry and as a site for registering and retaining the fruits of Its distilled learning.

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 11 Sunday, April 14, 2024

Auxhall on Comfort and Group Dynamics

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 11 Sunday, April 14, 2024

Expanding on Monka’s theme from the last session, Auxhall addresses the experience of encountering a plurality of selves whether looking outward or inward. They situate work with groups as another variety of working within the self which can afford either comfort or discomfort depending on how one has tuned and balanced the self. Those of Auxhall offer many ideas on how one might begin to become comfortable with discomfort: building patience and flexibility through the use of the illusions of time and space in productive ways, balancing within the self to avoid blame, and untangling the knots of emotion and trauma though clearing energy centers.

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 14 Saturday, September 21, 2024

Oorkas on the Rhythm of Seeking

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 14 Saturday, September 21, 2024

In their second contact with the circle, Oorkas comments upon the enormity of the challenge of seeking infinitely within an infinite Creator. This endless quest is processed by us in units that regularly provide fresh opportunities to respond to dead ends on the path. Faith carries us through this cadence of new moments, building that capacity to continually extend the self further in the protean growth of our Creator. Connecting within to one’s higher self delivers a transcendence of individual identity towards a more cosmic scale of concerns. Oorkas also addresses the role of the potentiator of spirit archetype in this issue as well as questions about the function of individuation and emotions.

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 15 Monday, October 14, 2024

Q’uo on Traction and Projection in Consciousness

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 15 Monday, October 14, 2024

After over two years, the principle of Q’uo revisits the Richmond circle to discuss the nature of seeking as it straddles the present moment and the eternal. Whether plodding along in the tedious moments of life or being swept along in a current of purpose and meaning, consciousness evinces a kind of traction that we both crave as an alternative to the groundlessness of infinity and loathe for its tethering of us to our catalyst. With traction we have an anchored point from which we can project into the illusion outside ourselves through action as well as that within ourselves through meditation. Those of Q’uo offer remarks on how we may use the illusion of separation to piece together an approach to the present moment that can also feel part of a greater evolutionary progression. Questions about shame and self-forgiveness in the context of these dynamics are also considered towards the end of the session.

The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 6 Saturday, November 2, 2024

Q’uo on the Matrix, Potentiator, and Significator of Spirit

The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 6 Saturday, November 2, 2024

Q’uo focuses here on those archetypes of Matrix, Potentiator, and Significator as they relate to work within the spirit complex. Dwelling upon the intense nature of seeking in this domain, they emphasize the importance of polarity and the need for the seeker to have firmly established their orientation towards service-to-others or service-to-self before venturing into the work of Spirit. After discussing the functional and affective aspects of the three stations of the Spirit cycle of archetypes, those of Q’uo affirm both the difficulty of the work in spirit and the profound joy and reward it offers to those who persevere. Before concluding, they entertain questions stemming from the abjectly daunting nature of the spirit complex Q’uo has described.

The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 8 Saturday, November 2, 2024

Q’uo on Catalyst and Experience

The HARC Circle Sixth Channeling Intensive Session 8 Saturday, November 2, 2024

In this session, Q’uo explores the archetypal stations of catalyst and experience as they are encountered in daily life, emphasizing a model of projection and reflection that imbues waking life with the veiled messages of the deep mind. Addressing these two stations of the tarot across mind, body, and spirit, their commentary largely centers on how to profitably think about the operation of catalysis and recognize the signs of its grounding, balancing, and integration. Q’uo then follows up on their monologue to address this subject in light of working with dreams and the possibility of catalyst becoming diminished or less obnoxious, in both cases suggesting attitudes with which the mind/body/spirit complex’s extant approaches and processes may be cooperated with more deeply.