IMPORTANT CAVEAT: This session is part of the training for new instruments. As such, please use extra caution in reading and forgive any errors of fact, orientation, or composition.
Q’uo discusses the archetypal mind’s influence on healing, urging listeners to discern their own truths from the shared insights. They liken life’s challenges to a relentless Wheel of Fortune, where the body experiences and absorbs various catalysts. Drawing an analogy to homeopathy, Q’uo suggests that healing can come from small doses of what might otherwise harm, indicating that challenges often contain their own remedies. By reflecting on and integrating these experiences, one can learn and grow, embodying the enchantress who calmly directs the lion. Q’uo advocates for gratitude towards the body and life’s catalysts, as they are essential for progress and enriching the soul’s journey back to the Creator.
Group Question
What is the relationship between healing and the archetypes of the Catalyst of the Body and the Experience of the Body?
Channeled message
(Jamie Channeling)
We are Q’uo. We are now with this instrument. We are called today to speak to the very interesting and subtle topic of the archetypical mind in the sequence of the body.
With the bend of this topic on the subject of healing, we remind everyone that may hear these words that you use your discretion and, for anything that does not resonate or feel true, that you leave it behind. For we are but humble seekers on the path as you, and not to be held as authorities.
The path through the archetypes: beginning with the Matrix, brought into focus by the Potentiator, proceeding towards Catalyst of the Body. This instrument is reminded of a quote: that all that assaults the senses is catalyst.1 And considering the images on the card, depicting the wheel of fortune, and the seemingly unceasing cycle of one after another: while one may be acute and on top, there’s seemingly no break before the next catalyst hits, and the wheel turns. These are the multitude of things that buffet our bodies, our minds, with stimuli. We often regard these things intellectually, while our bodies bear the brunt of their effects.
Catalysts have various effects on our bodies, from emotions, to physical discomforts, things that reach our conscious mind to things just below our perception. There is a modality of healing known as homeopathy where the concept of a tincture, of an elixir meant to stimulate healing, contains a bit of the poison that would seemingly catalyze a negative effect. Yet, the slow and steady introduction of these poisons stimulates our body to find a way to manage them and often creates the antibody. So we offer a metaphor that the cure is often in the poison.
Now, with these potent experiences, catalysts upon the body, we move to the experience, the reflective move of the entity then digesting these catalysts, remembering the emotions, remembering the pain, considering the source. These, my friends, are where the seeds are planted. Through our integration of these catalysts and gratitude for their stimuli, we begin to build a new path. We learn, and we perhaps provide some of the most potent reflections back to the Creator, whose Original Thought was to experience itself.
The image on this card is a curious one: a female figure, having gathered the fruits of these catalysts, places her hands over the mouth of the animal, the fierce lion. Not chaining the animal, but gently holding it on course. In the heat of catalytic experience, it is so easy to feel as a victim, as a hapless subject of uncontrollable destruction. Having persisted through these experiences, and having the patience and courage to reflect upon them, we can truly become the enchantress who holds the lion, its mouth closed with her delicate hands, not through brute force.
We encourage you to have an attitude of gratitude, for without catalysts there would be no movement forward, no rich experience to reflect back to the Creator, no clever anecdotes to tell your friends. There is indeed much to be grateful for with our bodies. Almost all of its functions are automatic, yet so sensitive and responsive. We encourage you, once again, to be grateful to your body, to the experiences, to the catalysts that affect you and have a measure of joy in the experience.
With this, we take our leave of this instrument and ask that if there are further queries, they may be brought up in another session. We are Qu’o, Adonai. ☥