The HARC Circle Working Group Gathering '24 Session 1 Friday, June 7, 2024

Laitos on the Discerning Instrument

The HARC Circle Working Group Gathering '24 Session 1 Friday, June 7, 2024


The fourth density social memory complex of Laitos visits the Other Selves Working Group’s first gathering in Estes Park, Colorado to discuss the practice of channeling with two student instruments. They counsel those gathered to look to their own inner spiritual connection to a deeper reality as a help when verifying the connection to higher density contacts. The entire process of channeling prompts deeper questioning within the seeker regarding the basis of one’s own narrow identity, and working with this tentative nature of the self will help the instrument tease out which elements of contact truly arise from without those boundaries, however arbitrary. Laitos concludes by encouraging new instruments to not overly stress the provenance of the message received; whether it arises from the self as narrowly construed or from other selves, the tuning of the channeling group’s calling has the most determinative effect on the appropriateness of the information.

Group Question

We have a circle of seeking in which we are joined together as one, inviting beings of a higher density to join with us in our seeking, and we are desirous of knowing, as we proceed in this enterprise of opening ourselves up to what these beings of a higher density might have to offer, how we can learn to discern and discriminate that which is coming from the beings that we have invited to our circle of seeking and what is coming from us.

Channelled message

(Steve channeling)

I am Laitos, and I greet you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. It is most pleasing to us to be called to your circle of seeking where we might share our thoughts with you and, perhaps even more importantly, blend our energies with yours. For we would tell you that this form of service, which we have chosen and which is presumably of some small aid to you in your seeking, is also of great aid to us in our seeking. For the opportunity to blend in this way across densities is one which enlivens our life experience in a way that is beyond description in your terms. For our whole manner of finding ourselves more and more oriented toward the seeking of the One Creator benefits greatly from the grounding or leavening that communications of this nature blend to our efforts, and it is a source of great joy to us to discover that, in the process of this blending, you, too, who dwell in third density may find some benefit.

We would ask, however, that you not place us on a pedestal. For we, like you, seek the One Creator as individuated beings, though we find that for us that has a different meaning because we are a portion of a social memory complex, and one in fact which has very close ties to other social memory complexes. So you might say the notion of being an individual is much diminished in this respect, and yet in another respect, much enhanced or enlarged, because to be a self that is able to draw upon the energies and the different articulations of awareness that are available in a social memory complex is a greatly enlivening experience.

So it would be appropriate for us to begin by suggesting to you that this relationship we have entered into with you has many of these same characteristics. That is to say that to be a self as we know ourselves to be–now able to blend with this group who has taken the time out from the hustle and bustle of a life which in third density is so very involved with particular events, particular commitments, particular personalities, particular challenges–is to find among fellow seekers a very, very focused effort. For you have had to overcome so much simply to be here today. You have had to find such focus in your seeking, such resonance in the meaning of seeking for you personally, individually, in a way that can seem extremely isolated, that you bring to us great inspiration. For these troubles that you have taken upon yourself to do a simple thing like gathering here today, for us come so easily, so smoothly that we need not give a second’s passing thought to them. What we gain in ease, however, we lose in intensity, and the intensity of your desire is an inspiration to us, and for that, my friends, we are most grateful.

Now you ask what means you may employ or what signals you may detect in order to find within yourself, as you begin this challenging process of learning to become an instrument, can actually be seen to come from those whose thoughts, whose being you wish to share and those which come from that rag-tag set of particulars that you call yourselves. How can you know if we are real? How can you know if that which you will be saying will be from some source that must to you seem most exotic, most unexpected, most elusive? 

For yes, my friends, our beingness and our message to you will be as elusive as a spring breeze: here now, gone in the very next instant. And yet we would ask you to consider that is it not true that perhaps upon that spring breeze you catch a scent? Perhaps it is the scent of lilac. Perhaps it is of an aroma only distantly recognized, or not recognized at all, but something that inspires a vague memory or a feeling or a longing in you. You cannot quite place it, and yet as you reflect upon it, it is after all unmistakably there. And we would like you to consider that our being, as it has begun–and we emphasize, begun–to blend with yours, is, while elusive, unmistakably there.

Sometimes we ask ourselves, who are we? Is there anything intrinsically real to who we are? And we find reassurance in the realization and discovery that the reality of our beingness is reflected in our fellow beings who meet our outreach with outreach of their own, and we call that “love,” and we call that “love meeting love.” And if that is all that our being is, surely that is not nothing; surely that is something worth celebrating. Surely that is something worth bringing to the altar of sacrifice in our seeking, so that we might reach with this seeking into regions as yet unknown without carrying with us those factors which might limit what we might discover.

That is all that this gathering is, is it not? A generation of mutual love in seeking, so that in the process those things which have limited us fall away of their own accord, and we find that together we now are more than we were before. Though this moreness, or this increase in beingness, is still but a wisp of the wind, is still a vanishing scent, is still a longing which we could never ever hope to contain, we are grateful to have the opportunity to blend our energies with yours and to begin this process of bringing along new channels that may extend the reach of our blending and our communication, our sharing, with others of your kind.

And with that thought, we would like to pass the contact to the one known as Jeremy. I am Laitos.

(Jeremy channeling)

We are those of Laitos and find ourselves with this instrument at this time, a position in your circle that is at once concentrated and diffuse, a product of collective seeking and a congress of loving energies which calls not simply to us, but those of our kind: those who seek to serve and find in your working, my brothers and sisters, a platform upon which our Creator’s energies may alight ever so gently and provide for you in this moment a conduit to higher perspectives upon that which you seek to perform. We in our imagination reinforce you, and you us. It is symbiotic, in a way, for together we condition each of our mind/body/spirit complexes into a joint complex, and this allows the reverberation of the sacred word across the crystal of consciousness you have thusly enacted into beingness.

This is the nature of the invitation you have extended outwards carefully, but also boldly. For this is not the typical pattern of mentation that dominates in your quotidian experience, and likewise we partake of your denser, more vibrant and potent experience of a band of consciousness that calls back to the foundation of our project, a project of reaching towards the light and following its spiral path. This image we have traced with our words is also reiterated in our contact with each member of this circle as we move about and find those avenues of expression that present themselves through patience, through refined intention.

This calling that is the product of your joint seeking has a power in excess of what you can honestly comprehend, my brothers and sisters, and this is well. This is precisely why you engage in the preliminaries to contact: in order to find an alignment that you learn to recognize. But you feel you roll the dice each time, and as you learn to welcome us–after a challenge, of course, a challenge coming from deep within you–we are hopeful that you learn more about your energy complex in addition to the greater complex that your intentions have moved into the sphere of manifestation, however highly refined and seemingly abstract it may seem afterwards. Know that the recorded product of what you are engaged in at this moment is but a record, a distillation of a sort, of a deep congress between you and our kind.

How, you might ask, may you best augment this convergence of consciousness such that you may feel that you have done your part in the greater entity that obtains from your seeking in this concentrated setting? This is a question well asked, and not simply at this juncture, but perhaps on a daily basis. For you may, with each rebirth of the new day, dip back into the greater awareness that presents itself during the slumber and revitalize it, honor it anew, and affirm the linkage between your greater self and your conscious self. It is a lesson in the subordination of the conscious will, not undertaken as a surrender to greater forces outside the self, but the re-identification with the whole that the conscious self learns to submit itself to, and in doing so finds itself capable of things, capable of states of mind, that ground the higher perspective in the fundament of incarnate life.

Now, the specifics of this gesture towards the Creator are yours to compose, my brothers and sisters, for truly it is your conveyance of the ideal into this moment that gives it the voltage that does much of the work. We of Laitos understand the sacrifice this entails for you and your kind, and perhaps one suggestion we might ask you to consider is to become comfortable with this sacrifice and find ways to practice letting a little bit go during your day-to-day life. The invocation of the Creator’s will and the alignment of one’s own will with that greater will is a working that may not require all of these preliminaries, you see. You do not seek to present a message with our imprimatur on a moment-to-moment basis. Instead, you are seeking to present the Creator’s love with a face that you possess and present it to a face of the Creator that your other selves possess. This is a way in which you serve truly as a channel outside of these more focused workings.

We of Laitos understand that every moment cannot entail this level of concentration, but we would remark upon one facet of the more day-to-day service, in that it helps you begin to learn about this greater complex you are seeking to work in tandem with as a participant. And as you see that deep imperishable self within more and more often in more and more varied settings, you find something that you may use as a swatch to which to compare the colors of higher densities. This, my sisters and brothers, will begin to provide the concrete basis for believing in the reality of the contact model in which the very service you perform in your lives begins to blend with this unique and carefully arranged service in which you now participate. And so you may bridge between the love you share on a moment-to-moment basis and the love for which you provide ingress in these more refined workings.

This is a long-running project in a short life, my friends. It is incumbent upon you to find your method of expression for these energies once they are identified. And therefore we ask you to deepen your commitment to the Creator, to your other selves, and to the selves within you; to find a way to let our One Infinite Creator conduct this symphony across the thresholds of densities and states of consciousness such that you need not know the details of the crystal you are forming in order to contribute to it.

With this thought, we would thank this instrument for allowing our message to pass, and we return our contact to the instrument known as Steve. We are those of Laitos.

(Steve channeling)

I am Laitos, and I am again with this instrument, greeting you in the love and light of the One Infinite Creator. We would at this time ask if there are among those present questions to which we may address ourselves.

(No response)

Finding that no questions seem at the ready, we would remark only that new instruments need not be overly concerned at the beginning with the issue of what they might be saying providing they have created that safe and sacred space in which they dwell during the communion of energies that channeling involves. By blending our energies with yours, my friends, we leave a modest deposit of concept within what you might call the entrails of your consciousness, those parts of your consciousness which to you are generally not conscious, and that small deposit is, so to speak, a well into which you may dip your bucket. And we are most pleased if the liquid that you draw forth should be given a tincture which is distinctively your own. It is all to the good if this blending of our energies should produce a result that is not all us any more than it is all you. For in the blending we are not concerned to distinguish ourselves from you, and we would invite you to be not concerned to distinguish yourselves from us.

We, my friends, are together in this seeking. We belong together in the love of what is sought, and what can be sought other or higher than the One Infinite Creator? So when we attune our thoughts and align your words with that seeking, where can we go wrong?

We would like you to know that we are now, as we speak, extending to you our love and our gratitude for this opportunity of a blending, and we look forward to being with you in those times in which you set aside your daily affairs to the point that you may devote yourself to a future blending of energies with us. We thank you, my friends. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

We are those of Latos. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.